In order to get the Junk Goats out to you for that VIP personalized service, you are more than welcome to place a direct phone call to us at 804-494-7999. There, one of our friendly and affable office workers will listen to your junk removal near me needs and will find the very best spot on our schedule for our Junk Goats Junk Removal Services crew and our big, bright blue Junk Goats truck to come out to the location of where your junk is being stored to deliver your free, firm, personalized and no obligation quotes for Junk removal Richmond VA. You’re also welcome to visit us on the web, where you will find two forms to send in with information about booking. They are our request for a quote form and our online booking form. Simply fill them out with the information they ask for, such as your name, the best phone number to reach you at, a brief description of the junk you were looking to get removed and hauled away, the street address where your junk is currently located, an email address for you and the best date and time for a Junk Goats crew to come out to your place of business, residence, garage, attic, yard, storage unit, shed or more, to deliver you your free, firm, personalized and no obligation quote for junk removal. Whenever we receive these in our office we will call you immediately to confirm the details as well as find the best spot on our schedule in case the one you have chosen has already been booked by another wonderful client in the Richmond Virginia area.
If you’re ready to get rid of some junk, whether is just a single item like a side table or a whole room’s worth of items, or even an entire house, the Junk Goats Junk Removal Services team is happy, willing and able to help you with all of your junk removal near me needs. Give us a call today at 804-494-7999 to speak with one of our friendly office workers about your junk removal situation as well as find the best spot on our schedule to have our Junk Goats crew come out to perform the most mind boggling junk removal near me service you have ever seen. With over 300 former clients and customers rating us a perfect 5 out of 5 stars on in just under two years of serving the Greater Richmond metropolitan area, we can proudly stand behind the words of our satisfied clients and customers. Isn’t it about time you had a junk removal service do what you needed instead of what they wanted? The Junk Goats are ready to do just that. Give them a call today and experience the mind bogglingly great service and the difference the Junk Goats can make.
When you hire the best junk removal service in town, the Junk Goats Junk Removal Services (founded locally in Richmond in June of 2020), you will always get a free, firm, no obligation and personalized quote for your junk removal near me needs. What exactly does that mean? Junk removal can be a long and arduous process if you have never done it before yourself. First, you have to recognize what items of yours are now junk and no longer needed in your house, place of business, garage, attic, yard, storage unit or more. Once you have identified and recognized your items as junk, the next step is to make sure that your vehicle will be able to carry them to their final destination, be at the dump, landfill or local donation center. If your vehicle has the space in it to be able to fit these items, the very next step is to be able to lift and carry these items out of your house, or once again, place of business, garage, attic, yard, storage unit or more, and into your car. Finally, you have to know where the local donation centers, dumps and landfills are. Were you aware that local landfills and dumps also charge a fee to residents who seek to use their services? Depending on what it is you are looking to get rid of, you might end up falling prey to a relatively large appliance disposal fee, mattress disposal fee or even just a general resident disposal charge. Fortunately you can get a customized junk removal job done for you with the most mind boggling company in the junk removal game right now, the Junk Goats Junk Removal Services of the greater Richmond metro area – helping the wonderful citizens of Richmond with their junk removal Richmond Virginia needs since they were locally founded right here in June of 2020.
When we mention personalized, we mean it 100%. With the Junk Goats, we base our entire process and pricing on the amount of space that your junk items will take up in our big, bright blue Junk Goats Junk Removal Services truck. Our truck can hold up to 7 pickup trucks worth of material in it, or approximately 15 cubic yards. This means we can fit quite a lot of junk in it before we would have to take it off site to a dump or donation center. When you book the Junk Goats Junk Removal Services to come to your house, business, attic, garage, storage unit, yard or more, the professional and courteous Junk Goats Junk Removal crews will get to work as soon as they arrive analyzing and assessing each and every single piece of your junk that you need removed in order to craft for you a free, firm, no obligation and personalized quote for junk removal Richmond VA. These quotes are completely personalized for each of our customers and the junk removal job that they need done, no matter if you were looking to get rid of a single item like a mattress or a table or looking to get rid of an entire house worth of trash like a hoarder situation. The Junk Goats are ready to give you your very best possible free, firm, no obligation and personalized junk removal near me quote.